
Crystal Cathedral

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Kindness Korner

The First Four Suggestions

The First Four Suggestions for Brightening Our World

1. Greet People Warmly-"Good morning. It is good to see you." Become an enthusiastic, habitual greetor. Greet everybody, whether or not they make eye contact with you. Say "Hello. Say "Good morning." Say "Great to see you." -anything to send a pleasant message that they are noticed. A greeting is a connection. It is a gift. A greeting says "I notice you, you are valued, you are somebody!" A simple greeting is a blessing everybody needs. No exceptions.

2. Make Eye Contact-Look the person in the eyes, briefly, with warmth. Combine your eye contact with a smile and a greeting. "The eyes are the window to the soul", says the Bible. To be looked at personally is medicine for the soul.

3. Act Friendly-The emphasis here is on ACT. We do not just follow our feelings. That is, it doesn't depend on our mood in order to act friendly. We do what is right; good; needed. No matter what we are feeling we can send a message of friendliness. The amazing thing is that when we act friendly we not only lift another's spirits, but we also end up feeling better.

4. Offer Compliments-"You look good." "I like doing business with you." "You have a good attitude." "I love your smile." Inside us, and everyone, are many appreciative feelings, words of admiration, and gratitude. Most of those thoughts remain unexpressed, kept inside ourselves. We must let them out! We must spray, sprinkle and spread compliments and appreciation on people. Take two seconds after any transaction, and put ionto words a short sentence of thankfulness, gratitude, or admiration. Make it simple, direct and personal. Plan ahead to be ready to give your gift of love. Then stand there for five seconds and say it, with a smile.

(four more, soon)

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it is nice to smile! That can be hard to do if you have a lot on your plate. Fred
