
Crystal Cathedral

Watch the Hour of Power online and on television (Saturday at 6PM PST on TBN, Sunday at 8AM EST/PST on Lifetime)

Kindness Korner

"Just Walk with Me"

I have a problem. I want to tell you about it. No, I really don't. I'd rather keep it to myself; handle it alone. I do think it would be good for me to share it with you though, I don't want to because I'm afraid of what you'll say or how you'll act.

I'm afraid you might feel sorry for me in a way that makes me feel pathetic. Like I'm some "poor thing."

I'm afraid you will try to cheer me up. That you will give me words or texts or prayers that tell me in a subtle way to stop feeling badly. If you do that I'll feel worse (but hide it behind my agreeable, cheerful-looking smile), while thinking you don't understand. I'll feel you are making light of my problem, if it can be brushed away with some brief words of cheer.

I'm afraid you'll give me an answer. I’m afraid this problem I've been wrestling with for some time now, and about which I have thought endless thoughts, will be belittled. I’m afraid you can answer in a half-minute what I've struggled with for weeks?

I'm afraid also you might ignore my problem, talk quickly about other things, tell me of your own concerns.
I'm afraid too you might see me stronger than I am; that I don’t need you to listen and care. (It's true I can get along by myself, but I shouldn't.live that way).

What I would really like is if you "just walk with me". Listen as I begin in some blundering, clumsy way to break through my fearfulness of being exposed as weak and needy. Hold my hand and pull me gently as I falter and begin to draw back. Say a word, make a motion, or a sentence that says, "I'm with you." If you've been where I am, tell me, briefly, how you felt in a way that I can know you're trying to walk with me—not change me. Just “walk with me”.

But I'm afraid...
You will ask me, "What are you going to do about it?" I’m afraid you will explain, interpret, analyze or teach.

Please “just walk with me”. That takes love. God will do the fixing.


  1. You expressed my feelings exactly. I'm dealing with the passing of my husband, Tom. It's so hard to get my head around this. You married us just ten short years ago up on the 13th floor. I will be forever grateful for your kindness in giving us a place to exchange our vows.
    Deborah Andahl-Manning

  2. Dear Pastor Jim Kok, you have well described the mixed feelings I have for a Christian life. In my absolute loneliness, sometimes, I feel sad there's no one who sticks around. I feel God is the only One who "just walks with me". That comforts me.

    Recently, I keep asking God: "Do you love me?". Your last line gives me the hint - "Please 'just walk with me'. That takes love.".

    Thank you Pastor Jim Kok! I've prayed for you and all workers of CC and HOP and our ministry on a daily basis for about 2 months. They're Spirit-led prayers. Then big trial comes. My faith tumbles. But God is faithful to pick me up.

    May God bless you, your health, your life and your family and their health and their lives. Thank you for loving us.

