
Crystal Cathedral

Watch the Hour of Power online and on television (Saturday at 6PM PST on TBN, Sunday at 8AM EST/PST on Lifetime)

Kindness Korner

The (only) Care and Kindness Conference in the World

What an appetizing opportunity!   March 11, 12, 13 at The Crystal Cathedral

"Does God Want us to be Happy?" --by Robert Emmons-----what an inviting topic!

"The Role of Art and Beauty in Caring for Others"--by William Dyrness-------This is breaking new ground for those who want to show loving kindness to others. 

"What it is Like to be Hit by Acute Leukemia--and Survive."--a theology professor tells us. Ron Nydam.

"How Should Christians Care about the People of Israel?"  suggestions from a Jewish man of God.

Did you know that almost every Down Syndrome child can be taught to read?  Dana Halle, a trial attorney, who is now a mother of a DS lad will tell us how their lives were changed.

Devotions for Extroverts, and the Others Too--by Yours Truly.

So much more-Plenary speakers, workshops, good food.

The Care and Kindness Banquet on Friday night will feature Ann Hallje and Debi Nicholsa.  Ann was nearly killed by a Mountain Lion.  Debi saved her life. They have a heart-warming story to share.  ($30.00 for a wonderful evening).

Call us at 714.971.4032  to sign up.  We want uyou to hear these great people and their important topics.